
October Business Month 2017

Introducing our next Territory Success Story – Luke Myall from Hiqa Geotechnical

Young 28 year old Luke Myall thought it would be a good idea to buy a small construction material testing business in regional NT during the Global Financial Crises.

One year later, Luke opened another office and by 2011 the business was operating in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

Luke has lived in the Territory for 32 years, tackling the challenges of starting and operating a business in remote NT head on!

Luke focused on building a great company culture underpinned by a comprehensive training program that strategically supports the overall company goals. Luke’s journey from a one man show from operating in 3 cities with over 40 team members is one to celebrate.

Whether we’re starting off in remote regions, or in the big cities we can all learn something from Luke and his story!