
NATA Accredited Site Laboratories

At HiQA, we’re the experts in providing annex laboratories to large and remote projects. With the ability to perform any test from the annex laboratory that is listed under our  cope of accreditation. Our technicians are expertly trained in all procedures and have unmatched experience with North Australian soils and materials.

With fully-equipped mobile laboratories ready for deployment to your next project, we’re committed to achieving successful project outcomes, timely delivery, and accurate results. We also provide construction materials testing (CMT) consulting for clients who require more than just the results and a report.

For a full list of our annex laboratories capabilities, please download our On Site and Laboratory Testing.

HiQA Lab

Need an annex laboratory?  Request a no-obligation quote or book a job today.

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Our Projects: NATA Accredited Site Laboratories

Gidji II East Cell Raise
Keep River Project
Roper Bar Iron Ore Project
Joint Logistics Facility
Annex Facility – Reconstruction of Port Keats Road CH 108km to CH 134km
Annex Facility – T15-1029 Tjukaruru Road and Docker River Aerodrome Upgrade